Mastering the Art of Aloneness Interview on The Healthy Living Show

More people are living single lives than ever before. In the US today, there are 95.7 million singles, representing nearly half of all adults. Despite these numbers, attitudes have changed remarkably little. There's still a mid-set that if you're single there must be something wrong with you, and most people believe that marriage is the ideal lifestyle. On this episode, bestselling author of Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life, Lauren Mackler, is interviewed by host Brett Blumenthal about the stigma of aloneness and Lauren’s ground-breaking, step-by-step road map for gaining mastery of your own life, so you can achieve a sense of wholeness and well-being on your own or in a relationship. To listen to the one-hour interview, just click on the title link above.