Upcoming Events

10/22/16 LIVING FEARLESSLY - Cambridge, MA

What would you do if you were fearless? Fear is one of biggest barriers to creating a life aligned with who you really are and the vision to which you aspire. Lauren Mackler, a world-renowned coach and psychotherapist, CNN commentator, and best-selling author of Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life, will help you uncover the roots of the fears that keep you stuck and offer practical tools for overriding fear and bringing your dreams and goals to reality. Info and registration, click here.

11/11-13, 2016 SOLEMATE: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life - Lenox, MA Weekend Workshop at Kripalu!

Many people wait for a soul mate to complete them, or settle for unfulfilling relationships out of fear of being alone. In this life-changing workshop at Kripalu, coach, CNN commentator, bestselling author of Solemate and co-author of Speaking of Success with Stephen Covey and Jack Canfield, Lauren Mackler, presents her groundbreaking roadmap to achieve mastery of your life, and greater wholeness alone or in relationship. Info and registration, click here.