Recipe for Optimal Living

Develop Your Inner Nurturing Parent


If you think about it, you may discover that you don’t treat yourself very well. You may break promises to yourself, eat poorly, or engage in unsupportive relationships. In fact, if most people treated others the way they treat themselves, they wouldn’t have too many friends! To begin treating yourself better, here is a tool I write about in Solemate: your “Inner Nurturing Parent.” Instead of judging yourself, send loving messages to yourself like, “I love and appreciate who you are.” When you do something well, pat yourself on the back and say out loud, “Great job! I’m so proud of you.” Get in the habit of doing nice things for yourself. Make a cup of tea with the nurturing energy you’d have when preparing tea for someone you love. Make your bed for yourself every day. Buy yourself flowers or treat yourself to a massage or candlelit dinner. Your relationship with yourself is like any other; the more you feed and nourish it, the better it will be!