Recipe for Optimal Living

The Benefits of a Daily Smoothie


For many people, consuming enough of the daily recommendations of fruits and vegetables can be a challenge. Blending some servings of each into a smoothie can help you meet your body’s daily nutritional needs. Making a nutrient-rich smoothie is easier than preparing most meals, so it will not only support your health, but it can also add precious time to your day. To make a fiber-rich smoothie you’ll need a high-performance blender (I use a Vitamix), since a regular household blender doesn’t puree fruits and vegetables sufficiently. The recipe below is one that I have for my lunch every day. Feel free to improvise, based on your preferences and needs.

Fruit and Vegetable Smoothie

Use fresh, organic produce whenever possible.

1 scoop VegaOne all-in-one shake (I use French Vanilla)

1 cup raw spinach

1 cup raw kale

1 cup raw vegetables (I combine carrot, celery, cucumber, red pepper, and daikon radish)

1 small piece of fresh turmeric and ginger

1/2 cup fresh fruit (I use berries)

8 ounces of water or coconut water

6-8 ice cubes

1 tsp to 1 Tbsp high lignan flaxseed oil (optional)

If too thick, add just a little bit more water and blend again briefly.