Crisis = Opportunity

Today I’ve been reflecting on how, as in nearly all crises, there are opportunities inherent in the current global and massive pattern break from life as we knew it. We can experience deeper compassion for ourselves and each other, strengthen our individual and collective resiliency, re-evaluate priorities and lifestyle, live more mindfully, simplify daily life, define who we want to be as a nation and world, and enable our precious Mother Earth to catch her breath. 

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I awoke this morning with a renewed sense of fearlessness and gratitude. Yes, it is a time of great uncertainty, loss, and hardship. But the trajectory that humanity has been on was one that was unsustainable physically, interpersonally, spiritually, environmentally, and financially. And since collectively, we would not awaken and respond to this truth, the powerful and inevitable law of cause and effect has forced this reality upon us.

So today I commit to more fully embracing this reality. I will dig deep to learn how I can use what’s happening to more intimately connect to myself and others, to find and share inspiration, to be of greater service, to strengthen the core of my beingness, and bring in and give out more love to myself and to others. 

May you be blessed with inspiration, fearlessness, and an ever-present knowing that the only thing that truly matters and lives on beyond this earthly life is LOVE. 

I, for one, am grateful for this reminder.