Have You had Your Smoothie Today?

For many people, consuming enough of the daily recommendations of fruits and vegetables can be a challenge. Blending some servings of each into a smoothie can help you meet your body’s daily nutritional needs. Making a nutrient-rich smoothie is easier than preparing most meals, so it will not only support your health, but it can also add precious time to your day. To make a fiber-rich smoothie you’ll need a high-performance blender (I use a Vitamix), since a regular household blender doesn’t puree fruits and vegetables sufficiently. Here is the recipe for the smoothie I have had for my lunch every day for the past 20 years. Feel free to improvise, based on your preferences and needs.

Fruit and Vegetable Smoothie

Use fresh, raw, organic produce whenever possible.

1 scoop VegaOne all-in-one powder (or whatever protein powder you like)

1 cup raw spinach (or lettuce)

1 cup raw kale

1 cup raw vegetables (I combine carrots, celery, cucumber, red pepper, and daikon radish)

1/4 cup fresh fruit (I use frozen blueberries or strawberries)

1 small piece of banana (about 2 inches)

8 ounces of water or other liquid (I use cold brewed green tea)

6 ice cubes

1 small piece of fresh turmeric and ginger (optional)

Blend until smooth and enjoy!